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Juno -- When Negative -- is a Goddess of Storms, Hurricanes and Tornadoes

Writer: Mark LernerMark Lerner

The great astrologer -- and a mentor and colleague of mine -- Eleanor Bach wrote in A Graphic Ephemeris of Sensitive Degrees (Planet Stations and Eclipses from 1900 to 2000) that "Negatively, Juno is the indicator of storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, any disasters where there is the direct experience of powerlessness and vulnerability." (page 59). Juno was exactly conjunct the far-out celestial body Sedna (the ruling goddess of the oceans in Inuit mythology) in late Taurus -- within 2 minutes of arc -- when Hurricane Florence made land-fall in North Carolina back on September 14. Hurricane Michael struck the Florida Panhandle yesterday (Oct. 10, 2018) with Juno virtually stationary and about to turn retrograde (see below my two Cosmic Kalendar entries for today, Thursday October 11, and tomorrow Friday October 12, where today's entry has several keynotes and themes associated with Juno).

There is much more to the charts presented below concerning atmospheric devastation since Mercury -- a planet traditionally associated with a wide variety of astro-weather conditions -- opposed Neptune (Roman God of the Seas) at Hurricane Florence while Mercury just opposed shock-producer and often highly-destructive Uranus during Hurricane Michael. In addition, both hurricanes occurred one lunar cycle of 27+ days apart -- with the Moon in the most-intense of the three water signs, Scorpio.

Juno at 20+ degrees of Libra is making the closest major aspect to another planetary body at the birth of America on July 4, 1776 -- an opposition to Chiron (the Wounded Healer comet-like orb) at 20+ degrees of Aries. And transiting Pluto in Capricorn has been -- and continues to be this year and next year -- in a dynamic and potentially troubling square to both ends of the Juno-Chiron polarity

Take a look at the two Cosmic Kalendar complimentary entries below, so you can get a better sense of how some of the shadow qualities of Juno right now, motionless in Gemini, can emerge into manifestation by the awesome powers of Mother Nature. You can also read what I have to say about Juno archetypes in our Astro-Business Keys section and this asteroid was and still is receiving a stationary conjunction from transiting Pluto at 19 degrees of Capricorn in the birth chart of Brett Kavanaugh.

Note: Eleanor Bach was an astute and ingenious astrologer who published the first Ephemerides of the Asteroids: Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, 1900 - 2000 (first printing January 1973). Her Planet Watch monthly newsletter was always a joy and inspiration to receive. In 1973 -- in the Chelsea area in Manhattan -- she opened her home monthly for young astrologers like myself to listen to her knowledge and assimilate her wisdom. Later on she kindly wrote several articles on the four main asteroids for my astrological magazine Welcome to Planet Earth in the 1980s and 1990s. Visit to see some pictures of Eleanor and a short description of her life-work in the entire field of astrology. She was born in 1922 and passed away in 1995.

Stay tuned to this online channel for updates of this type in our new Astro-Flash section.

Thu Oct 11 Today’s highly-imaginative, problem-solving and optimistic energies are emanating from a trio of awesome stellar contacts as the sun parallels Neptune (6:48am), Pallas trines Pluto in earth signs (11:56am) while the moon in Scorpio makes its monthly rendezvous with faith-sustaining Jupiter (4:13pm). However, any euphoria that develops with the moon uniting with Jupiter may not last since this usually fortunate aspect starts a void lunar zone that continues until the moon enters fiery Sagittarius at 2:54am tomorrow. During this 10+ hour void-of-course moon cycle, Juno halts its forward progress in the zodiac at 1 Degree of Gemini (9:06pm) while just six minutes later the sun in Libra squares off with Pluto in Capricorn (9:12pm). The station and reversal of Juno — happening until December 23 when Juno regains direct motion at 21 degrees of Taurus — carries a dynamic energy-field that needs to be clearly understood since the sun-Pluto liaison adds a potentially explosive emotional charge. Tune into the following themes closely related to Juno’s influence – peace and harmony, fairness under the law, beauty, style and fashion, and especially empowerment in primary partnerships (that can either work for or against you). If you focus attention on creating open, honest, balanced and respectful relationships, that is certainly a major step in the right direction. However, if many of your lifelines with dear ones have been stifled or afflicted in one manner or another, then a lot of repressed rage can come out when Juno is motionless. [Note to readers: All times are now calculated for Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

Fri Oct 12 Easy does it! The cosmic work-stoppage yesterday by asteroid Juno in Gemini, combined with a possibly stress-inducing, 90-degree sun-Pluto link, are still making discordant reverberations echo throughout humanity’s delicate presence on the surface of Mother Earth. Pushing any fervent egocentric plans is bound to fail or boomerang with nasty results. During the continuation of Thursday’s void lunar uncertainty zone in Scorpio, look over forthcoming business matters with a logical attitude as Mercury makes a constructive, 60-degree tie with Saturn (1:21am) while a moon trine to Chiron in Pisces (1:34am) reinforces healing interests and stimulates psychic sensitivity. Focus your attention on hitting the bull’s-eye of key goals once the moon enters fiery Sagittarius (2:54am). This lunar shift puts an emphasis on enjoying games and sports. Let the good times roll tonight in some kind of fun-loving activity or entertainment as the moon parallels Jupiter (11:22pm). [Note to readers: All times are now calculated for Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

Copyright 2018 by Mark Lerner and Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved.

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