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AstroFlash: Two Trump Impeachment Charts

Writer's picture: Mark LernerMark Lerner

Dateline: December 19, 2019 Last night – Wednesday December 18 at 8:34pm EST and 8:52pm EST, respectively in Washington, D.C. – the U.S. House of Representatives passed Impeachments of President Donald J. Trump for Abuse of Power (the first time given) and Obstruction of Congress (the second time given). Note: Times above are for the moments when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the passage of the votes. A few minutes earlier – for each Impeachment – the required number of votes were achieved. Whether you use charts for a few minutes before or the times indicated above, the fundamental keynotes I present below will be the same.

The following is simply a preliminary list or guide for astrologers and astrological students of what I see as important. I have not made a thorough and exhaustive search of the two horoscopes, but what is presented should provide much food for thought. (The order in which I am making the list does not indicate rating one keynote or theme higher than another.)

The Sun is at the Galactic Center in late Sagittarius. Many astrologers consider the area around 27 degrees of Sagittarius as a very potent place in the zodiac – representing a much larger illuminating essence than our Sun, but also potentially focusing our attention on whatever “Black Holes” may be as there is an enormous one at this place which is the center of our galactic home in the universe – a home composed of billions of stars and planets.

The Moon is at 25 degrees of Virgo which has a symbol from Dane Rudhyar’s An Astrological Mandala reading as follows: “A flag at half-mast in front of a public building.” The original symbol – from Dr. Marc Edmund Jones’ book The Sabian Symbols – is simply “A flag at half-mist.” Most interesting, if not extraordinary, here is (a) this degree is at the Midheaven of the USA chart (July 4, 1776 at 4:47pm EST, Philadelphia, PA) we have used for decades in my pioneering astrology magazine Welcome to Planet Earth (1981-2000) and (b) with this historic passage of Impeachment of President Trump the transiting Moon, in Mundane Astrology, rules the public or mass consciousness.

Of course, a flag at half-mist symbolizes the death of someone or some kind of important physical/material reality. Astrologer and psychic Jeanne Dixon had a vision of a flag at half-mast flying over The White House in the summer of 1963 and tried to warn JFK of an impending disaster. On July 20, 1963 there was a Total Solar Eclipse exactly on President Kennedy’s natal Saturn in his tenth house of executive authority and leadership. (Saturn above occurred in the birth charts of Napoleon and Adolf Hitler, and then both JFK and Richard Nixon were born with those Saturn-type placements. It is considered by previous generations of astrologers as an indicator of a rise to power and then a subsequent fall.) On November 22, 1963, JFK was assassinated in Dallas, TX.

The transiting Mean North Node of the Moon – a strong celestial indictor of fate-destiny – is located at 8 degrees and 55 minutes of Cancer at both Impeachments. The Mean Nodes of the Moon always move retrograde and do so at an approximate rate of 3 minutes of arc per day. President Trump’s natal Mercury – ruling his Sun-North Node-Uranus triple conjunction in Gemini – is located at 8 degrees and 52 minutes of Cancer. Therefore, a very strong universal fate-destiny area in the zodiac was pointing directly at the president’s Mercury (communications; words; language; phone calls to foreign leaders). And today, December 19, as I am writing about last night’s events, the nation’s newspapers have headlines announcing Impeachment in bold letters as the transiting Mean North Node is exactly, to the minute of arc, on the president’s Mercury.

The Last Quarter Sun-Moon Phase was approaching and only 3 hours away when the votes were taken. I have explained dozens of times in my Daily Cosmic Kalendar (now in its 38th year and available by subscription on my website) that quarter moon cycles are vastly underrated in their potency in comparison to their more notable “cousins” – the New and Full Moon. However, at quarter moons – when the solar and lunar orbs are clashing with one another via a sharp, 90-degree angle – there are likely to be crises (whether minor or major) and there is a need to cut through obstacles in order to resolve difficult problems. Note: In my Podcast 23 (in relation to President Trump giving the president of Turkey a green light to go into NE Syria against our Kurdish allies), I spoke about the fact that President Trump – if he had a professional astrologer advising him – should avoid making major agreements or decisions during a quarter moon phase because he is born at a Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse and when the solar and lunar orbs are square one another, he is likely to make significant mistakes of judgment.

The asteroid Juno at 14+ degrees of Libra – representing the desire for peace-and-harmony, especially in partnership matters, but also signifying stormy behavior by individuals who feel disempowered – was last night on the verge of returning to where it was when President Trump was born – within about 1/3 of a degree and therefore very close to precise. This “Juno Return” only occurs approximately every 4 years in anyone’s birth chart and the president also has his stationary Chiron (physical, emotional and psychic wounds; The Twilight Zone; Shamans-Mentors and Keys to Higher Consciousness) at the same degree. This is also the natal Saturn placement in the USA July 4, 1776 birth chart and the Ascendant and Mercury placement for the World Trade Center disaster (September 11, 2001 at 8:47am EDT, NYC).

The rising degrees in Leo are linked to the president’s own Rising Sign of Leo, and the Midheaven in Taurus is also resonating with the president’s Midheaven. Leo and Taurus are two of the four “Fixed Power Signs of the Zodiac,” with the other two signs being Scorpio and Aquarius. It is significant that at the passage of the first Impeachment, the Leo Ascendant is very close to squaring the 15 degree Taurus Ascendant for President Trump’s Inauguration on January 20, 2017 at Noon in Washington, D.C. And the first Impeachment vote was for “Abuse of Power.

At the second Impeachment vote, the Ascendant is located at 18+ degrees of Leo. In the president’s birth chart, he has three very potent midpoints at 18+ degrees of Leo – Mars/Pluto, Sun/Chiron, and Sun/Juno. Tune into those meanings, particularly the very volatile and intense Mars/Pluto midpoint – since they are being illuminated by the Impeachment regarding “Obstruction of Congress” as you explore the deeper levels of what is being revealed to the public during this education about the nation’s constitutional origins.

Jupiter at 3+ degrees of Capricorn is still within a close opposition to the USA Venus at 3+ degrees of Cancer when the Impeachments were passed and the largest asteroid Ceres at 12+ degrees of Capricorn is closely approaching its first opposition to America’s Sun degree at 13+ Cancer in the last 4 years. In addition, Ceres had just made a precise trine to an elevated Vesta in Taurus moving retrograde and – along with transiting Uranus in Taurus moving retrograde – both Vesta and Uranus are surrounding the Midheaven of the twin-Impeachment events in our nation’s capital.

Perhaps most astonishing of all and certainly the rarest in terms of frequency of occurrence is the following: The transiting Vesta-Uranus midpoint is located in both Impeachment votes at 7 degrees and 42 minutes of Taurus, and those two celestial bodies are both overhead and therefore of extra weight to consider. Meanwhile, the astonishing synchronicity is that President Trump – born with Vesta at 28 Pisces and Uranus at 18 Gemini – has his Vesta/Uranus midpoint at 7 degrees and 57 minutes of Taurus. Thus, the transiting Vesta/Uranus midpoint and the same midpoint from June 14, 1946 when the president was born are identical – within ¼ of a degree, considered by all professional astrologers to be exceedingly close. When I saw this remarkable synchronicity only about 30

minutes after the Impeachments, I thought I was making a mistake in looking over the charts and their midpoints. But I went over it several times until I realized that this was true. The question is: What does such a rare Midpoint Return indicate?

Vesta has much to do with safety-security issues – whether personally, nationally or internationally – and, according to the great astrologer Eleanor Bach (who I have referred to many times in my podcasts in the Mark Lerner Astrology Radio AstroScope section of our website) – Vesta also has rulership over diplomats, embassies and “turf wars” connected to home and hearth, real estate and land. Vesta is connected to sisterhoods, the Eternal Flame archetype as well as secret organizations, and Vesta is currently in the process of making three Returns to its natal placement in America’s birth chart at 19+ degrees of Taurus. (By the way, transiting Mars at the Impeachments was exactly opposing America’s Vesta within 2 minutes of arc.

And Nancy Pelosi is born with a triple conjunction of Uranus-Venus-Vesta at 20 degrees of Taurus. Therefore, she is very much an archetype of Vesta and especially its sisterhood symbolism. Her Chiron is also exactly square the president’s Chiron and her Jupiter in Aries is exactly opposite the president’s stationary Jupiter in Libra.)

Uranus is associated with radical-change agents, revolution, shocks, surprises, the unpredictable, unconventional, eclectic, plus being a disrupter, agitator and rule-breaker. It was discovered March 13, 1781 in Bath, England by Sir William Herschel and signified the turn of fortunes between the 13 Colonies fighting against King George III’s tyranny and England’s control over the East Coast of America – leading to the Battle of Yorktown in October 1781 and a victory by the U.S. in the Revolutionary War.

One clue to unraveling the above conundrum about the in-depth meaning of a Vesta/Uranus midpoint is that when Donald Trump took the Oath of Office to be president on January 20, 2017, the only retrograde celestial body was Vesta at 27+ degrees of Cancer – and it was located at the bottom of the Inauguration chart (signifying roots and foundations) and Vesta was also exactly opposite the USA Pluto at 27+ degrees of Capricorn. Pluto connects with Will, Purpose, Power, the Plutocracy (government by the wealthy), extremes, secrets and mysteries, the unknown and the Underworld. In mythology, Pluto was said to wear a helmet for when he left his underworld realm and that helmet made him Invisible. America is about to have its first Pluto returns ever (in February, July and December 2022, and near-returns in September-October 2023). I wrote about the importance of Vesta in this 27+ degree Cancer placement – directly opposite the USA Pluto – and warned about its possible discordant meaning for the nation in the Inauguration chart for Donald Trump when that event happened and that feature is still available for you to read in the Earth Aquarius News section of our website.

Keep tuned to this online channel for late-breaking astrological news.

Copyright 2019 by Mark Lerner and Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved.

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